Due Diligence
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Due Diligence process is essential for the Brands to maintain compliance and protect their reputation. With Hub88’s new tool, you can easily streamline your existing due diligence process—all within one platform, eliminating back-and-forth communications and saving you time.
As a Brand/Operator, you can now fulfill your entire Due Diligence process directly in your HubConnect Operator Zone with a couple of clicks. This page will guide you through the process and information criteria you will need to provide, in order to pass through the process with flying colors.
The Due Diligence process with Hub88 involves collaboration between the Brand and our legal counsel. The Brand will receive a notification email from Hub88 to initiate the process in their HubConnect Operator Zone.
You can start directly from email or to navigate to the Due Diligence tab in the left-side menu and select the entry option with the status "Pending." Once you begin filling out the information, the status will change to "In Progress." After completing the form, submit it for Hub88's legal counsel review by clicking the "Finish and Submit" button, at which point the status will change to "Submitted." You will receive a confirmation email indicating that your submission was successful. During the review phase, you will not be able to modify the submitted information.
If your documents are approved, the due diligence process will be marked as "Approved" for your legal entity. If corrections are needed, the status will change to "Changes Requested." You will then be able to edit the form and view any missing data, along with comments from legal counsel.
In both scenarios, you will be notified via email about the outcome of the review.
For the Due Diligence process, the following information is required.
This information will be pre-filled based on your information added already into HubConnect, only "Registration Date" can be edited. In this section, you'll also see the Hub88 entity name with which your contract will be created with.
Entity name
Ex. James Bond Ltd
Ex. Cyprus
Registration Number
Ex. 007007
Registration Date
Ex. 07.11.2019
Full address of your legal entity. Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
This section covers all the licenses and gaming authorizations held by the Brand. Multiple licenses can be added, and confirmation can be provided for each license indicating its active status.
License Jurisdiction
Country or region name Ex. Cyprus
License Number
Ex. CYP007007
Issue Date
Presented in DD/MM/YYYY Ex. 07.12.2019
Expiry Date
Presented in DD/MM/YYYY Ex. 07.11.2027
Brand Name
Ex. Jamesbonding
Associated License
Choose applicable for the previously created Licenses. Ex. Cyprus - CYP007007
Add the website of the Brand. Multiple websites can be added. Press "Enter" to submit the field.
Targeted Market(s)
Press "Enter" to submit the field. Ex. Norway, France, India
Source of Funds Type
Either "Bank Account" or "Crypto Wallet"
Bank Account Holder Name
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Bank Account". Bank account holder's name. Ex. John Smith
Sort Code / IBAN
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Bank Account". Ex. MT007007007007
Bank Address
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Bank Account". Registered official location address of the bank. Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
Wallet owner's name
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Crypto Wallet". Ex. Jane Smith
Crypto Currency
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Crypto Wallet". Choose the currency from the provided dropdown list. Ex. BTC
Wallet address
Appears when Source of Funds type is "Crypto Wallet". Ex. 007b007jb007b007jb
A director is a person, who is usually appointed by the members (shareholders) of the company, who is legally responsible for the management and day-to-day running of the affairs of the company in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association. One or multiple directors can be added.
A director can also be a corporate director, which is common with Curaçao jurisdiction licenses. A corporate director is a corporate entity that serves as a director of another company; its actions are directed and determined by natural persons - the directors of corporate directors are therefore responsible for ensuring that the corporate director fulfills its duties and responsibilities under the law.
Personal Status
Either "Natural Person" or "Legal Person"
Full Name
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Ex. John Smith
Date of Birth
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Presented in DD/MM/YYYY Ex. 29.02.1960
ID Document Number
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Ex. 007007007
ID Expiry Date
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Presented in DD/MM/YYYY Ex. 29.11.2029
Residential Address
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
Job Title
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Ex. Chief Execuitve Officer
Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person".
Politically exposed person (PEP) - individuals who are, or have been, entrusted with prominent public functions and their family members and close associates.
PEP Details
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Natural Person". Description of political involvement
Entity Name
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Legal Person". Ex. James Bond Inc.
Date of Corporation
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Legal Person". Ex. 13.07.2017
Business Address
Appears when "Personal Status" is "Legal Person". Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
A corporate shareholder is a legal person whose name is entered in the register of members of the company as the holder of one or more shares or fractional shares. You can choose to add one or multiple corporate shareholders. This section can be skipped.
Entity Name
Ex. Smith International Ltd.
Registration Number
Ex. 007007007
Registered Address
Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
Percentage of Shares
Ex. 56.7
An ultimate beneficial owner a natural person, who ultimately owns or controls the company through direct or indirect ownership of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the shares or the voting rights or an ownership interest in that company. One or multiple ultimate beneficial owners can be added.
Full Name
Ex. John Smith
Date of Birth
Presented in DD/MM/YYYY
Ex. 29.02.1960
ID Document Number
Ex. 007007007
ID Expiry Date
Presented in DD/MM/YYYY
Ex. 29.11.2029
Residential Address
Ex. 1 Semeli House, Poseidonos Ave 21, Paphos 8042, Cyprus
Percentage of Shares
Ex. 56.98
Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
Politically exposed person (PEP) - individuals who are, or have been, entrusted with prominent public functions and their family members and close associates.
PEP Details
Description of political involvement.
Source of Wealth
Explanation of source of wealth.
The Operational Questionnaire section includes key compliance assessment questions to ensure alignment with our standards. It covers topics such as your compliance practices, KYC policies, government involvement, ongoing investigations, and other essential policy matters.
In this section, you will need to submit files that meet our established standards for due diligence. You can upload files as PDF, IMG, and .doc.
All documents must be provided in their original language; if not in English, they must be accompanied by a certified translation. The translation should be dated, signed, and certified to validate its authenticity.
For the company as a legal entity, you'll need to submit a Certificate of Incorporation/ Official Extract, a Memorandum and Articles of Association, a Structure Chart, a Current Register of Directors, a Current Register of Members and a Gaming Authorization Copy.
For each parent entity or ultimate parent entity you'll need to include Certificate of Incorporation / Official Extract, Memorandum and Articles of Association, a Register of Members and a Register of Directors.
For each director, which is a legal entity you'll need to include Certificate of Incorporation / Official Extract, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and a Register of Directors.
For each director and UBO you'll need to include a copy of a photographic ID and proof of address.If the director or Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), please include duly certified copies of their ID and proof of address.
If the director or Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), please include duly certified copies of their ID and proof of address.
Photographic ID Requirements:
Must be a government-issued identity document (e.g., passport or national identity card).
Should be a clear, unexpired copy displaying the individual’s photo and signature.
Proof of Address Requirements:
Must be no more than 6 (six) months old and received via post.
If the statement or bill is in an e-format, it must clearly showcase the address of the property, customer's email addresses won't be accepted.
Should not reference PO Boxes or “care of” addresses.
In this section, you'll need to provide the contact details for key contacts for the brand in the following areas:
Development / engineering,
Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) (if applicable).
If you contract with our entity incorporated in Malta, kindly check the full definition in Section 2 on page 6 and Section 11 (8) on page 26 of the PMLFTR S.L. 373.01 at the .
If you contract with our entity incorporated in the Isle of Man, kindly check the full definition in paragraph 3 on page 10 of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Code 2019 at the .
If you contract with our entity incorporated in Curaçao, kindly check the full definition in Annex 1 Definitions on page 34 of the Regulations for the Combating of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the .
If you contract with our entity incorporated in Malta, kindly check the full definition in Section 2 on page 6 and Section 11 (8) on page 26 of the PMLFTR S.L. 373.01 at the .
If you contract with our entity incorporated in the Isle of Man, kindly check the full definition in paragraph 3 on page 10 of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Code 2019 at the .
If you contract with our entity incorporated in Curaçao, kindly check the full definition in Annex 1 Definitions on page 34 of the Regulations for the Combating of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the .